New for 2024 at Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio is Top Thrill 2, the world's tallest and fastest triple-launch strata coaster. The ride starts with a 71 mph forward launch followed by a rollback. The train accelerates to 101 mph up a new 90 degree tower filled with airtime before coming back down and launching to the top speed of 120 mph, flying up and over the 420 foot top hat, and twisting 270 degrees back down into the brakes.
The ride is manufactured by Zamperla and features their new Lightning trains, which have an aluminum-milled chassis that allows the vehicle to weight less and reduce maintenane.
Top Thrill 2 is Cedar Point's 17th roller coaster, and makes it the only park in the world to have a roller coaster over 400 feet, 300 feet, and 200 feet in the same park. Its 2024 debut marks the beginning of Cedar Point's 154th season.
A special thank you to both Cedar Point and the American Coaster Enthusiasts for having us out!